A Line in Lebanon’s Sand
James published his first book on Lawrence of Arabia and the Arab Revolt, Setting the Desert on Fire, in 2006. A Line In The Sand, on the rivalry between Britain and France for dominance in the Middle East, followed in 2011.
Bearing in mind his audience, James will focus his talk on Edward Spears and the events surrounding Lebanon’s Independence in 1943: a line in Lebanon’s sand!
Barnaby Rogerson, The Independent
“I found the entire book most horribly addictive… the ultimate picture it paints of the actions of the two Western powers is sordid, muddled and hypocritical.”
Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail
“One of the most instructive books you are likely to find about the stupid mess we have made of the Middle East…”
Patrick Seale, The Financial Times
“He has scoured the diplomatic archives of the two powers as well as the private papers of most of the leading officials of the time…